Every year, approximately 800 children age out of foster care in Jackson County, Missouri. These young adults are left without sufficient resources—medical care, finances, and housing. The 7540 Washington Apartments start to address this critical need. Through an 811 HUD grant, Botwin, El Dorado Architects, A.L. Huber General Contractor, ReDiscover, and the Missouri Department of Mental Health, built a 14-unit apartment building in the heart of Waldo. They spent five years designing—working collaboratively with potential residents, the government, and the Waldo neighborhood. The final result is a building that creatively meets the needs of its residents, providing private, beautiful, permanent housing with wrap around services.

7540 Washington, Kansas City, Missouri
Year Built: 2016
Architect: El Dorado Architects
Contractor: A.L. Huber
Service Provider/Manager: ReDiscover
Government Partner: Missouri Department of Mental Health
Photographer: Mike Sinclair